Sunday 26 March 2017

How to Increase Referrals!

Hi Folks,
There are a lot of referral systems out there, especially in bitcoin niche websites, but to gain refs is not always easy,..
so i will tell you my ways to gain some refs,
first you have to find an atractive Site/Service that is worth the promotion

1. Way
Create intro/review/payment proof/tutorial threads here on TBN or other Forums, about the Site/Service you want to promote
but remember always use the search function to check if there is already a thread for the site you want to promote

2. Way
Create a Youtube video about the Service or the Site, this works great for DiceGames and such
you can record a short video "how you make 100000satoshi out of 1000" for example from Bitsler
put your reflink in video description, its alway good to shorten this links with or other shorteners! (i dont have to explain why!?)
problem is: you need to promote the video itself or be a good/big ytuber,...

3. Way
Make yourself some refs with proxy/vpn/tor/vps whatever, if it is worth the efford it is worth the efford ;D

4. Way
Do advertising on Bitcoin related sites (this will cost you money at the beginning):
a-ads or Mellowads are super cheap, and niche targeted
-check the referral system of the Site you want to promote
-download all banners/advertising materials they have,
-create an campaign (with your reflink ofcourse) on the adnetwork (a-ads or Mellowads)
-fill up your advertisment campaign with some funds the referrals fly in

5. Way
Promote your reflink on facebook and other social media

´6. Way
Ask all of your friends to ref under you (one of the easiest way)

here are some proofs that the above is not all bullshit:
proof1.jpg proof2.jpg 

No Ref:

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